www.ebay.com ( Item # 120395492294 )
If you’d like an autographed copy, you can get it on eBay or directly from me at Nephthys Publications —
105 Green Briar Lane
Havertown PA 19083-2833
Cost will be $10 + postage. On 21 September, Pegasus became available on both Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes & Noble’s Nook, in addition to the paperback version. The cost for the eBooks is $2.99. Hope you all will enjoy it.
Breaking News!!!!!
On 15 November, 2011, I received word that Pegasus was a recipient of a 2011 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in the “Best Books in the Category of Children’s Interest”!!!!! Yippee!!!!!
On 14 and 16 March, 2012, I had my first book reading and signing at Aronimink Elementary School. Here are some pics from that event.
After I read the book to the class we had an autograph session, where I signed the books for the kids. Here are the pics….
Breaking News!!!!!
On 23 May, 2012, Pegasus won another award! This time it was honoured as an Award-Winning Finalist in the Children’s Picture Book: Softcover Fiction Category of the 2012 International Book Awards!!!!! Yeeha!!!!!

My Triple Crown — the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, the International Book Award and the Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Award with the gold medal attached.
Breaking News!!!!!
I got my first professional book review on 6 July, 2012, from Jim Cox at the Midwest Book Review. Here it is —
Pegasus: A Dragon’s Tale
Gina LoBiondo, author
Stephanie Zuppo, illustrator
Nephthys Publications
9780982264829 $10.00 www.ginalobiondo.com
Pegasus: A Dragon’s Tale is a softcover fantasy picturebook, featuring a pair of anthropomorphic bear cubs who are the prince and princess of a faraway kingdom, and the dragon they befriend. When Prince Dayshawn and Princess Kameela discover an abandoned egg, they take it home, keep it warm, and are delighted when it hatches into a lovable dragon! They name the dragon Pegasus, and raise him for a little while, but their father the king decides that Pegasus should be set free once he is old enough to survive on his own. Dayshawn and Kameela are sad to see Pegasus go, but they are destined to meet him again when their need is greatest! The playful color illustrations add a heartwarming touch to this gentle parable of loyalty and friendship.
I also just got interviewed on 20 August, 2012, on Author Exposed and Kristi’s Book Nook by the lovely Kristi Bernard. Here are the links —
Breaking News!!!!!
Boy, do I have some catching up to do! Since my last update, Pegasus has won 3 more prestigious awards!!!!! On 25 October, 2012, I became the winner of a Mom’s Choice Award in the Juvenile Level 1 (Ages 5-8) Books: Fantasy, Myths & Legends Category. Then, less than a month later, on 16 November, 2012, I was honoured as a Finalist in the USA Best Book Award, eBook: Children’s Fiction Category. Then, last but not least, on 25 February, 2013, I became a B.R.A.G. Medallion Honouree!!!!!
Reviews for
Pegasus — A Dragon’s Tale
“WOW! WOW! WOW! You took me back to childhood. That was so beautiful and so real. You had me in tears. I am very impressed. One of the best tales I have ever read. BEAUTIFUL!”
Maureen Richards-O’Gilvie
November 6, 2007
This is a good picture book for young children and it has a heartwarming theme. There is select use of simple words and excellent illustrations. The author keeps the plot simple and confined to the way young children fantasize in their mind, which is a good indicator for her writing ability for young children. There is no textual focus, which is again appropriate when writing for young children. Instead, the focus is on creating a pleasurable story for the target audience. Highly recommended for young children.
Candid Reader on Amazon
May 4, 2010
4.0 out of 5 stars
Written by authorities in Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths, Pegasus – A Dragon’s Tale by Gina LoBiondo provides an excellent foundation for Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths studies. Gina LoBiondo’s style is excellently suited towards Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths studies, and will teach students the material clearly without over-complicating the subject. What’s more, the text is available in the Paperback format shown above, as well as a number of other formats. As of December 2008, this revision raises the bar for Pegasus – A Dragon’s Tale’s high standard of excellence, making sure that it stays one of the foremost Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths studies textbooks.
Book Renter.com
November 10, 2010
You have written a delightful and charming book that young children will enjoy having read to them, along with illustrations which they will find appealing.
Prof. Tom Macaluso
May 19, 2011
Prince Dayshawn and Princess Kameela raise a dragon from an egg. The dragon grows from a tiny beast that sleeps beside Princess Kameela’s bed. The King told the children they must set Pegasus free.
How many parents have struggled with their children to help an injured wild animal and have to set it free? LoBiondo shows the struggle the young princess and prince face. It’s hard on an adult and a far more daunting task for a child. With LoBiondo’s tale the blow of setting a beloved wild animal free can be broached.
The possibility of finding your old friend down the road is opened. It reminded me of the saying; “If you love something set it free. If it comes back to you, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.”
A neighboring kingdom attacks and the prince and princess are captured and tied to stakes. Pegasus hears the commotion and is drawn to the action. Princess Kameela struggles to make Pegasus remember her, but to find out if the dragon attacks or saves the royal bears, you must read, Pegasus — A Dragon’s Tale.
J. Aday Kennedy
The Brain Fart Explosion
13 June, 2011
I bought this book for my son who has always been a huge fan of bears and dragons (lol). It’s a really cute but simple “rescue the princess” type story, but still great for younger kids. The art is very nice as well.
Barnes & Noble.com
August 23, 2011
This is a really nice story for children. The illustrations are in full color and although they are a bit small, high quality versions are available online under the illustrator’s name. I highly suggest this book for anyone with young children!
Barnes & Noble.com
August 23, 2011
In the past, my child Bridget was afraid of dragons and also bears. Now, she is not. She in fact, loves both dragons and bears. She has asked me to read the book to her every day for the past week. This book is truly a journey worth taking. It is a mystical tour de force. I applaud the author and illustrator on a job well done and I highly recommend this book to anyone with small children, especially if they are intelligent. 4.75 stars out of 5!!!!!!
Barnes & Noble.com
August 23, 2011
I really liked this book, so much that I bought one for a nephew, grandchild, & myself. It is a wonderful tale that I think all children will enjoy. It’s a little bit fairy tale and a little bit make believe, and it shows how friendship & love can last through separation & time. I enjoyed reading it, and I can’t wait to read it to my nephew and grandchild. It will be one of those story books that will be around for a long time…and should be a part of any child’s library.
Susan Patraw (Auntsusiesp)
Barnes & Noble.com
August 23, 2011
One of the BEST children’s stories I’ve read in a long time!!!
Lyn Belcher
Barnes & Noble.com
August 26, 2011
This book is well written for small children. It uses language that the younger children can easily follow and creates such wonderful imagery that meshes well with the gorgeous artwork. I bought this for my 2 year old niece and she loves it! Her mom read it to her and she now pretends to be a dragon! I highly recommend this book for anyone with a young child who loves fairy tales. This is a must have!
Pandora1988 on Amazon
September 3, 2011
5 out of 5 stars
What a wonderful book for children … imaginations flow! The story is cute and the illustrations work perfectly with the tale. Purchased the books for our nieces’ children but I enjoyed reading it, too! Gina, looking forward to your next book!
Frances Oda (honufinds)
Barnes & Noble.com
September 11, 2011
This is my first review of a child’s book, but I can say I did read a lot of them to my children when they were younger. I really enjoyed this tale because I know if I was reading this to a child, their eyes would be wide open anticipating what was going to happen next on the following page.
The use of the cubs was, I thought, a good idea, because if there is one thing children like to see is friendly animals in their stories. This was a tug at the heart tale, with a just right story line and superb illustrating.
My daughter is having her first child very soon and this will be the first book on Henry’s bookshelf!
Well Done! Gina!
Terry Holt on Amazon
Coffee and a Good Book
February 11, 2012
5 out of 5 Stars
I read this story to my grandchildren and what I liked best was that it created questions and conversation about the characters. It is always wonderful to see children take such an interest in literature. The story is sweet and teaches the bond of friendship. In addition, it teaches that friendship is not lost by time and distance. I loved the illustrations, which are colorful, and bright, the armor on the bears is too cute for words. I say Bravo to this delightful story.
R.M. Putnam on Amazon
February 28, 2012
5 out of 5 Stars
This wonderful picture book took me back to the days when I sat on Mom’s lap and she read me a story. The story is one that a young child’s eye and mind can follow, understand and love. The illustrations will make an impression on the little ones and the story line is perfect for those in your home who are just beginning to have an interest in books. What a lovely introduction to reading this is. I am sure that the children in your life will ask to have it read over and over again. Thank you, Gina LoBiondo, for creating such an old, but new addition to children’s fairy tales.
Jeanne Rogers on Amazon
July 9, 2012
4 out of 5 Stars
If your kid ever wanted to raise a dragon from an egg this is the book for you. This book is about royal bears that raise a dragon from an egg. This book is sure to spark imagination in your child.
David M. Howard on Amazon
October 10, 2012
5 out of 5 Stars
Pegasus – A Dragon’s Tale by Gina LoBiondo is an award winning story of friendship.
One day Prince Dayshawn and his sister Princess Kameela find a large egg, unlike any they have ever seen before. They decide to bring the egg back to the castle and, to their delight, the King allows them to care for it. Soon the egg begins to hatch and a tiny scaly dragon emerges. Kameela and Dayshawn name the baby dragon Pegasus and love and care for him. But, as happens to all dragons, he grows too large to remain in the castle and sadly the Prince and Princess have to set him free. Will they ever see Pegasus again?
Pegasus – A Dragon’s Tale teaches children to have compassion for others, no matter what shape or size. They also learn what it means to be a true friend.
I recommend reading Pegasus – A Dragon’s Tale.
Stacie Theis
Beachbound Books
October 15, 2012
Pegasus: A Dragon’s Tale is the age old story of children and their pet. The story begins by introducing Prince Dayshawn and Princess Kameela. They are children of the King who ruled the land.
One day when playing, the siblings find a large egg in the bushes. They take it home to wait for it to hatch. When the egg finally hatches, the siblings and their father become owners of their very own dragon, which they name Pegasus.
In this charming children’s book, LoBiondo illustrates the true nature of children and their pets. The story shows that, no matter who you are or what you are, the bond of love and friendship can never be broken.
* * *
I’ll admit, I have a soft spot for children’s books. I love the simple stories, with the happy endings and the gorgeous pictures. I’m glad that this book met all those expectations as well. This book was simple yet held a very powerful message about the bond between children and their pets. I believe that children and adults can relate to this story because everyone, at one time or another knows the feeling of giving up something and trusting your gut that things will work out in the end.
The story was well thought out and executed within the twenty-six pages it was written in. The illustrations were a few of the best illustrations I have ever seen in a children’s book and it reminded me of the stories that I read when I was younger.
Reading this story made me nostalgic about my own childhood, which adds to its appeal. LoBiondo really hit the nail on the head with this story and I cannot wait to read more from this children’s author.
Melissa Wolfe
From Cover to Cover
October 24, 2012
The cover design features well-drawn figures and clear title and author fonts. The text is a good size and amount for each page. Many of the figures and backgrounds are nicely detailed. I especially like the trees, the bedroom furniture, the swags decorating the throne room, the costumes and armor worn by the bears, and Kameela holding the baby dragon on page 4. The picture’s compositions are generally good, the color values nicely balanced to show off the action, and the digital shadows where they belong. The story has a simple fairytale structure, with two related complications and a happy ending, which works well.
Writer’s Digest Self Published Book Awards
November 28, 2012
We are proud to announce that Pegasus – A Dragon’s Tale by Gina LoBiondo is a B.R.A.G.Medallion Honoree. This tells a reader that this books is worth their time and money! […]
G. Indiebrag on Amazon
5 out of 5 Stars
February 26, 2013
What child doesn’t like tales of dragons, castles, princes, and princesses? Well, what about having a dragon of your own? Royal teddy bear siblings, Prince Dayshawn and Princess Kameela, in the book Pegasus A Dragon’s Tale, found a dragon’s egg and had their own dragon which changed their lives forever.
Pegasus A Dragon’s Tale written by Gina LoBiondo, tells a tale of a baby dragon called Pegasus which grew up to be the protector and friend of the kingdom of the teddy bears. Author LoBiondo weaves an endearing and imaginative tale of cuddly teddy bears and dragons into a cute bedtime fairy tale drama. Lots of kids like to imagine conquering a dragon or one coming to their rescue in their make believe stories, and author LoBiondo has creatively tapped into that sphere.
The plot and language, though simple, is appealing to kids because the story is child-like and familiar. It makes for great bedtime reading and is an easy read. The book also encourages kids to use their imagination since the story ends on the note ‘…lived in peace and happiness forevermore’. This open ending leaves room for the story to continue if one wishes to do so. Therefore, the book lives on in our kids’ imagination since they can continue the tale in their minds, which of course is definitely part of its appeal and charm.
Pegasus A Dragon’s Tale can also be used in a read-aloud pre-school setting, and the teacher can encourage an exercise of “And then what happened?”, thereby engaging kids in interactive story-telling. It’s a great book to expand juvenile imagination and creativity. This book is appropriately written for ages 3 to 6, as its focus is entertain and engage!
Happy Reading!
Dawnette Rhoomes
Binghamton Children’s Books Examiner
March 19, 2013
This is a charming story that I think is ideal for children to read because it is of high value. Gina did a great job creating the story and even as an adult I enjoyed it very much. I suggest anyone wondering about buying it should run as fast as they can to buy this great children’s story.
Pattimari Sheets (Diamond) Cacciolfi on Amazon
5 out of 5 Stars
March 28, 2013